spirit lake dentistspirit lake dentist

Welcome to Hill Avenue Dental, where visiting the dentist has never been more comfortable in Spirit Lake, Iowa. Going to the dentist is essential to maintain good oral health, yet many people avoid visiting the dentist because of fear or anxiety. Some also avoid it because they believe in dental myths that can harm their teeth and gums in the long run. Myths often spread via word of mouth, social media, and unreliable sources. 

As a result, sorting fact from fiction can become a daunting task. In this blog post, we will debunk some of the most common dental myths you might have heard.

Myth #1: Brushing Harder Leads to Cleaner Teeth

Truth: Many believe brushing harder cleans the teeth better, but this is far from the truth. Brushing your teeth too hard or using a hard-bristled brush can damage your enamel and gums. It can also cause tooth sensitivity, gum recession, and bleeding. So, instead of brushing harder, brush smarter. Use a soft-bristled brush and brush in circular motions for two minutes twice a day. Remember to floss daily to remove plaque and food particles your toothbrush can’t reach.

Myth #2: Sugar is the Only Cause of Tooth Decay

Truth: While sugar significantly contributes to tooth decay, it’s not the only culprit. Starchy foods like bread, crackers, and potato chips can cause tooth decay. When these foods break down, they turn into sugar, which can then feed the bacteria that live in your mouth and cause cavities. So, limiting your sugary and starchy food intake is essential. Remember, everything in moderation is the key to a happy and healthy lifestyle. 

When you consume sugary and starchy foods, you must brush and floss afterward to remove food particles and plaque from your teeth. 

Myth #3: Dental Treatments are Painful

Truth: Many people avoid the dentist because they believe dental treatments are painful. However, dental technology and equipment advancements have made dental procedures virtually pain-free. Our dentists, Dr. Darren Dotson and Dr. Amy Hartzell, now use local anesthesia and sedation to numb the treated area and make the experience more comfortable for the patient. So, if you’re experiencing any dental issues, don’t avoid the dentist because of the fear of pain. At our office, we can ensure that you are at ease and feel comfortable throughout any procedure you may need. 

Myth #4: You Don’t Need to Visit the Dentist if Your Teeth on the Surface Look Fine

Many people believe that if their teeth look fine on the surface, they don’t need to visit the dentist. However, many dental problems can develop beneath the surface of your teeth, such as gum disease, tooth decay, and impacted wisdom teeth. Dr. Darren Dotson and Dr. Amy Hartzell can detect and treat these issues before they become more significant problems. So, get your regular dental check-ups, even if your teeth look fine on the surface.

Myth #5: Whitening Toothpaste can Whiten your Teeth

Truth: Many toothpaste brands claim that their toothpaste can whiten your teeth. However, most whitening toothpaste only removes surface stains and lacks sufficient bleaching agents to make your teeth whiter. At Hill Avenue Dental, we proudly offer professional teeth whitening. Our teeth whitening treatment can brighten your smile in several shades. If you prefer to avoid whitening your teeth professionally, we also provide an at-home teeth whitening kit. Although not as powerful as professional in-office teeth whitening, it can give you a brighter smile in the comfort of your home. 

Professional Oral Care With Your Dentist in Spirit Lake, IA

Myths are quick to spread, but with these common dental myths debunking, you can get a better idea of the truth. With the correct information, you can adequately care for your teeth and gums with our excellent dentists and their team in Spirit Lake. Take care of your smile today, and schedule an appointment with our fantastic dentists, Dr. Darren Dotson and Dr. Amy Hartzell, to get the care your smile needs.