If you’ve sustained damage to your teeth or there are aesthetic problems present, one of the solutions you may be considering is dental veneers in Spirit Lake. They offer a range of benefits and they’re a proven solution to common cosmetic problems people experience with their dental health. We can help you find out whether they’re the right option for you, so read on to learn everything you need to know about veneers and the benefits of choosing this solution over the alternatives.

What Are Veneers?

Veneers Hill Avenue Dental Dentist in Spirit Lake, IA

The first thing to know about veneers is that they’re about the cosmetics of your smile. They’re not able to address any underlying problems that might exist for you. For example, if your tooth is damaged, that damage can’t be repaired with the use of veneers. But the veneer can create a strong cosmetic improvement when you have damaged teeth.


The veneer essentially acts as a mask that’s capable of covering up any unsightly problems that might exist, such as discoloration, cracks to the teeth or other forms of damage, as well as gaps in your smile. The veneer covers the surface of the tooth and is attached to them permanently.


The Benefits Offered by Veneers

The main benefit that comes with choosing veneers in Spirit Lake is the cosmetic upgrade you’ll experience. It’ll be noticeable to you and those around you right away. And for many people, the main reason for wanting to make this kind of cosmetic upgrade is linked to their confidence.


It’s easy to feel down about a smile that feels far from perfect. And if you’ve noticed that your smile is stopping you from grinning and showing your teeth, then those self-confidence issues relating to your teeth might be impacting your life and lifestyle in ways that they shouldn’t.


The Process of Having Veneers Fitted

When you decide to push ahead with a veneer installation, your dentist will first want to take a mold of your teeth. When that’s been done, the mold will be sent to a lab where the veneers can be created and prepared for installation based on the specific dimensions of the relevant teeth.


The next appointment you attend will involve cementing your new veneers in place. And that’ll be done once you can see what they look like and when your dentist is satisfied with the positioning and alignment of the veneers. Once they’re cemented in, nothing more will need to be done.


Contact Hill Avenue Dental Today

If you like what you hear regarding veneers in Spirit Lake and the benefits they offer, the next step is to contact us here at Hill Avenue Dental. We’ll be able to give you more details about the kinds of veneers we use and we’ll also be happy to answer any questions you might have.


From there, we’ll be able to book an appointment at our facility here in Spirit Lake, Iowa and the process of fitting your new veneers can begin. The number to use if you want to get in touch with our practice is 712-336-4895.